Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Chair Lift/ Hora Dance at a Jewish Wedding

Working for weddings can be an awesome experience. I got the chance to work my first Jewish wedding. Learning the traditions that are made during the wedding ceremony and reception is pretty interesting. From the beginning of the reception no one is allowed to speak until the Rabbi has giving his blessing to the challah, the wine, and to the bride and groom. My favorite part of working this wedding was being able to watch the Hora Dance.

The Hora dance is a tradition in the Jewish religion where the bride and groom are lifted in chairs above their guests, known as the king and queen of the night. Their guests will joyfully dance around the couple, normally in a circle and singing and dancing. The bride and groom will hold on to each end of a handkerchief while being bounced around in the air together.

No Jewish wedding would be complete without the hora dance. When getting the chance to watch this beautiful tradition it symbolized to me how happy family and friends were for the happy newlyweds. This is a very special time for the Jewish culture and its only making the Jewish culture bigger. This was a great experience and I would love to work for another Jewish wedding again in the future!


  1. I love your blog. the topics and everything about it is great. :)

  2. I love your blogs and your background is awesome! It's my favorite of all; probably because I can relate! My daughter was a competitive dancer too! I have huge passion for dance and like seeing anyone else who does too. I actually showed my daughter your blog and she read it all and loved it! Great job!

  3. love it. the picture is really funny. i bet it was a fun experience to go to a greek wedding.
