Thursday, September 8, 2011

Why Do People Love To Dance?

Dancing is a natural movement that happens throughout everyone. When it comes to dancing people may do it for many different reasons. People may dance for their religion, to celebrate, give thanks, mourn, and exercise, to entertain, or just to have fun. No matter how old or your ability to dance anyone can do it. For many dancers dancing is a way to bring out any feelings or ideas they have that just can't be let out in to words but express their emotions in the movement of their body. Not only is dancing a way to express your body movements it's one of the best ways to keep your body fit. "Dancing is a physical activity that gets the heart pumping and the blood flowing without putting too much stress on the body. It is also the most enjoyable and social way of getting and staying fit." 

Dancing is also a social tool. It gives you the opportunity to meet new people. Where at you may ask? Well where a place is you would normally dance. Growing up many kids went to birthday parties and danced around the living room, then middle-school dances, along with prom in high school. As you get older dancing can still be right around the corner from where you are. Going to a wedding or a formal event or a night club gives you the chance to dance and meet people. For men this is a great tool to build your social skills and could help you in the near future and then women having skill on the floor will make you noticeable and stand out to everyone that are around you.

Everyone can dance no matter what and no one can dance the wrong way. Dancing is a form of you and the movement of your body. Also brings out joy and happiness. If more people gave dance and option it would probably be a happy and brighter world. When you go to dancing events you can hardly see one frown in the room. 

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